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Mourinho’s Notebook – January 14

EPLers In The Money

The Premier League has confirmed a new TV deal and as expected it’s getting plenty of that filthy lucre.

Premier League TV rights have jumped by 70% with the new deal. A single days’ worth of EPL telly coverage will now be equal to the entire season of the Dutch Eredivisie. English based players are getting paid far more than any other world league and that will probably only rise. Foreign clubs are already fretting about losing stars to the English game.

The deal is between the EPL and broadcasters Sky Sports and BT. It kicks in from 2016 to 2019 and will probably rise again after that. However this is only for the Premier League and not the lower divisions, so guts if you get relegated this season. As it stands, all 20 Premier League clubs already rank in the 40 richest in the world.

Perhaps now we’ll see a halt to rising ticket prices?

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Scholesy (Rightly) Calls Robbie Savage A ‘Knobhead’

The moment of truth at 14 secs.

This after Roy Keane’s revelation in his latest book last year that he backed out of a move to sign Savage after a douchey voice mail message.

Savage and Scholes later played down the event: “We’ve called each other worse”…

Social Media Stunners

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Joey Barton’s Weekly Pearl of Wisdom

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