The Niche Cache

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Angel Olsen - Tiniest Seed

A song transformed into a film score and mailed across the Atlantic Ocean. The score interpreted using a single roll of tri-x 16mm film. The film exposed, rewound and re-exposed many times, developed and sent back across the Atlantic. A response was filmed and the two spliced together. Time passing. The feeling of time. Collapsing space. Collapsing time. Collapsing time and space. *16mm print available and recommended for screening purposes "Tiniest Seed" is available on Angel Olsen's LP "Half Way Home" from Bathetic Records ( US footage processed at Alpha Cine Seattle. Austrian footage hand-processed at the filmkoop wien. 2K film scan by Synchro Vienna This film was made under the auspices of a Fulbright grant funded by the Austrian-American Educational Commission. By Angel Olsen, Randy Sterling Hunter, Ashley Connor ( and Zia Anger (