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Game Of Thrones: Episode Seven 'The Gift'

Diggity Doc:

Sometimes I think to myself - 'I reckon I have seen one too many dead bodies without much skin'. Then along comes another one to make me feel so much better!

Ramsay Bolton aye, this guy, for those who didn't know, well, he is one ruthless son of a gun. But and this is a big but, Sansa made the big mistake of trusting in Reek which was understandable given what she apparently goes through on a nightly basis. It was all especially stink after Sansa fired a few shots across Ramsay's bow about possibly not being the legitimate heir to the throne, then there's the old lady with no skin.

Ramsay didn't say anything about the purpose of lighting the candle and Sansa did appear to pick up what I thought was a bunch of keys on her walk to 'old lady with no skin' so there is hope. As we saw though, Stannis Baratheon is in a spot of bother with his witch lady pulling him one way, his right hand man pulling him another way and his own pride pulling him another way. I thought Stannis would march on Winterfell and kill 'em all, mainly because it offered hope for Sansa, but Stannis is going to get to Winterfell with an army fit to fight.

Jon Snow leaving Samwell which was swiftly followed by the death of the Maester has left the homie Samwell in a terrible position. He's got no friends and he's the only dude with a missus. It's a true underdog plotline and Samwell has shown to somehow find a way out of the many messes he finds himself in, he's got potential this one.

I thought the worst for Jorah, Daenerys bounced him straight away and even though Jorah has brought her Tyrion, he could still find himself in a spot of bother with Daenerys. 

Daenerys, the queen, khalessi, who will soon find her sexual desires hindering her political progress.

Tyrion ... wait, could Tyrion get some? No, surely not. But a team of Tyrion and Daenerys would signal big trouble for Westeros.

And then the kerfuffle at King's Landing continues. The High Sparrow has interesting views on the world, the few and the many type of thing which I love and it's important to draw parallels between this and the real world (yes believe it, we are the many!). But it also draws parallels to religion today; the violence, the homophobia, being equally as plotting as those who don't 'believe'. Keep an eye on this storyline with a much bigger picture in mind.

Just don't riot or join a crazy religion, we've got to think this rebellion through.

But more specifically, the great Cersei is now locked up in a cell. Cersei is kinda sexy so I feel sorry for her a little bit but she is rather easy to absolutely hate isn't she?

I would have loved it though if the Tyrells had more of a say in all this because they're the ones who have been screwed over. Maybe they won't come to King's Landing's aid, maybe Littlefinger will continue to slide his little finger all over the show, but the Tyrells have threaten a little but never done a great deal.

This all sets up a very intriguing final few episodes for the season. All the pieces are coming together with the dynamic duo (plus dragons) in the east, winter and all round drama lingering in the north and the rise of the likeable but equally blinding by religious ideals folk in King's Landing. We have no idea how it's going to pan out, but shit's going to hit the fan soon I'd say.



They told us this season that they were taking greater liberties than ever before in adapting the books. They weren’t bloody lying. What’s the point in reading ahead if you’re getting stumped and shocked just like everyone else?

So Maester Aemon’s watch has ended. That’s a shame (and premature too, dammit – what about the trip to Oldtown and the prophecy!). I always enjoyed seeing 90-something Peter Vaughan still walking the boards like a champion. It’s tough work of nonagenarian actors, you’ve gotta imagine. How sick must they get of being killed off all the time? No long term show contracts, even with hungry great-grandchildren to feed.

Tyrion is the actual luckiest character on this show. He won’t feel that way, but the amount of times he wriggles out of trouble is crazy. Big lad with the scythe’s gonna kill me… nah he’s here to cut me lose. Story of his damn life. Now for the fun part, where he gets to be Dany’s consigliere, or so we hope. He’s a good bloke too, so he’ll have Jorah’s back, it’s just a matter of how far his influence stretches over the strong-willed Mother of Dragons.

Sansa? She’s in an unenviable position. Sam? So was he. Right up until he wasn’t. The opposite for Bronn. Jaime? Welcome to fatherhood. Time to take some responsibility after all these years.

Look. I have a lot of time for the High Sparrow. He’s a commendable, noble, pious man and it takes a lot to outdo Lady Olenna in a scene. But his whole thing is spoiled by his antiquated views on homosexuality. Kinda dumb, Westeros oughta take the lesson of Ireland this week. Justice for all, equality and righteousness is one thing. Religious oppression is another. Man, this show really does have its real world parallels.

Cersei’s another one with contrasting emotions. She hates the queen, she loves her son. But her son loves the queen. Hmm. Not a new conundrum but one that grows more pertinent all the time. It seemed like she’d taken a great leap of sympathy right up until she met with Margaery and left smirking at the pitiful sight she’d witnessed.

You always got the feeling that she was playing with a fire that she couldn’t possibly hope to contain with the Sparrows, though. She’s hardly beyond reproach herself after all. So it wasn’t exactly a shock to hear that her nephew/toy-boy had confessed his sins in explicit detail. Cersei will probably wriggle free, but her power is slipping with every enemy she refuses to cede to. At least Jonny Snow has the courage to bend the knee, as they say, now and then. I know Cersei’s got her little act of contrition coming up but the more the show splits from the book, the more I realise that I don’t really remember anything from them anyway.

Hey, what’s Tommen meant to do now with both his ladies behind bars?

GoT Leaderboard:

  1. High Sparrow – No queen nor peasant is exempt from the wrath of a vengeful God. (Last week = NR)
  2. Littlefinger – When you need dirt on your neighbours, call Lord Baelish, Private Eye. (3)  
  3. Jon Snow – We’re off to see the wildlings! The wonderful wildlings of north! (1)
  4. King Tommen – Parents are both outta town for the weekend. PARTY AT KING’S LANDING! Bring $5 to cover the keg. (NR)
  5. Tyrion Lannister & Jorah Mormont – They’re a team… of slaves. One’s a fighter and one’s a gift. (3 & 6)
  6. Stannis Baratheon – He’s all in, so long as you don’t wanna sacrifice his daughter. (NR)
  7. Daenerys – ‘But baby you knew this marriage was only political. You didn’t think I actually meant it when I promised to be faithful, did you? Oh, you poor thing.’ (NR)
  8. Fat Sam Tarly – “Oh my!” (Fast running out of friends, though). (NR)
  9. Bronn – He’s tasted the Dornishman’s wife. According to song, anyway. Tasted a poisoned dagger too. (8)
  10. Maester Aemon – We will never see his like again. (NR)