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A Game of Thrones Convo: Rising Starks

Here come the Starks, ladies and gentleman. Sansa and Jon are chumming once more and the North is ready to rise again... maybe.


Diggity Doc: El Wildcardo, I've thinking and besides getting a mass headache I actually found myself wondering about dragons. Tyrion let those dragons loose right? Well, free from the shackles at least as they are still living in that two dragon apartment. Those dragons could have been rather handy in that last episode...

Wildcard: Doc, mate, I've been wondering the same thing. They're not exactly loose since there's a large boulder guarding their exit but they're also dragons so gotta think they can find a way. I dunno that they really needed them though, Tyrion's going down the diplomatic, compromising way while Dany... yeah she coulda used them but she's got fire of her own. But it definitely feels like those dragons have been way more symbolic than anything else, for the entire series in fact. Just one time they did anything ruthless and that was the runaway dragon last season. I guess the CGI budget dictates that somewhat but for a show that's supposedly about tits and dragons, there aren't that many dragons.

DD: It's kinda symbolic really that the dragons were kept in their apartment while Tyrion played the role of the politician. My other thought with the situation at Meereen was that we all know where these jokers will be in 7 years time - up shit's creek. Hence why I think Tyrion's move was super smart as he must surely have a feeling that Meereen will be a lot different in 7 years time.

WC: Haha, right! It's like the old politician move of trying to pass all their pet project bills in their final term in office so that if there's a backlash, the next government can deal with it. In this case, we don't really care who that next government will be because nobody expects Dany and Friends to still be in Meereen in seven years. God, if she's still there in seven more episodes then I give up. But I have high hopes now that Daenerys just had her Steven Adams vs San Antonio series when she came outta the fire unscathed. Again... but this time with a whole city watching. A seven year plan is one thing but as soon as the Sons of the Harpies are out of the picture, Dany can begin cleaning up Meereen (or rather Tyrion and Varys can) and next thing she's defeating the outside enemies with her interior ones no longer a threat and that slave trade will die up quickly anyway with the dragons in control.

DD: Are we assuming that Dany and her Dothraki will go back to Meereen or is that been hinted at? Dany x Tyrion may no longer be a thing ya know?

WC: Oh no of course she's going back. That's where her entire army is, no way she's sacrificing soldiers - especially her valued unsullied. As for Tyrion, he's not really in a position to be hanging around away from Dany's protection. Remember there's a price on his head - I'm a bit surprised that even during the treaty talks those lusty lords didn't just kill him and sell his head back to King's Landing. Maybe the ravens don't fly that far and they didn't get the memo. Right, so here's my most pressing question: If you're Jon and Sansa... do you take Littlefinger's help in defeating (fingers crossed) the Boltons?

DD: Well for starters they will probably have to, any time Littlefinger is willing to help however is very sketchy. Littlefinger usually does his dealings from a position of power, power which he could assert on a character like Sansa. If Jon and Sansa just boss every little relationship, they'll be able to get people working for them ... somewhat genuinely.

WC: Yeah that Baelish is a sneaky bastard. Ever since he left the whorehouse his intentions have been a little loudy though. He got to where he was by pure ambition and a semi-detached view that allowed him to see the forest through the trees, so to speak. I think he genuinely cares for Sansa - we know he had the hots for her mama - but then marrying her to Ramsay shows he's still got that ruthless streak. Personally I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him, he creeps the hell outta me, but I think you're right in that they might not have a choice. Hey but wasn't it nice to see a couple of Starks share a scene for the first time in forever?

DD: Lovely, just lovely. It shouldn't come as a surprise then that we didn't see much of Bran or Arya, I imagine we'll pick back up with them next time. We kinda know that Jon Snow will continue to be the man, what about Sansa though? Is Sansa destined for some mighty role? Surely her stocks must be rising through the roof at the moment.

WC: Well we talked the other week about how she's wolf-less and kinda gets bossed around all the time but it looks like that's changing now. Jonny's bringing out the leader in her, she's the one telling him what to do. I dunno if she's got much of a mystical role but the role I see her in is still pretty massive: she is her mother. She's easily the most like Catelyn, I reckon Sansa's destiny is to lead the Stark clan back to glory. Jon and Bran have the north to save, Arya who knows but Sansa is the one at the centre now. Bran and Arya were very conspicuously absent but I guess they're each at breakthrough stages in their training so the show sorta has to save their next steps for a few weeks. I'd say Sansa's stock listing is still a little behind the rest of her family - minus Rickon - even with the rising. On that, rank your living Starks, Doc.

DD: Well Wildcard, I can't really sugar coat this; Sansa has gone from being raped by an absolute nutter, to meeting up with her long lost brother and preparing to storm said nutter's circus ... stocks up for sure. Right, sorry...

5 - Rickon 4 - Arya 3 - Jon 2 - Sansa 1 - Bran

WC: I've got Bran in first as well, but then Jon, Arya, Sansa in that order. Rickon is waaaaay back in fifth. Like, I'd still have Ned Stark ahead of him. I'd put Hodor ahead of him. Even Osha. I guess the happy fact is that after starting the entire show as this happy family they've only ever got worse and worse. Tragedy after tragedy. But after constant rainclouds things are finally turning for the central family of Game of Thrones. About bloody time really. Every one sees them as the ones to eventually triumph, right? I wonder if this means we're now moving towards our endgame.

DD: Just how the dragon whispering dwarf fits in, I'm not sure. I am sure where ever he ends up, Varys won't be too far behind. Before I depart, do you see any greater good coming out of King's Landing?

WC: The dragon whispering dwarf came out of King's Landing - does that count? I mean, he can have his happy ending, sure, but the Stark's are the ones that count. Doesn't mean they'll end up on teh throne though, of course. To be honest the King's Landing stuff all feels so insular that it's hard to think they can withstand it once either Dany or Dorne or even the North invades. There's this triangle of power now between the Lannisters, Sparrows and Tyrells and as things stand the Queen of Thorns is the only character there worth cheering for. But they do provide us with mayhem, and mayhem is fun. Like this plot to un-kidnap Margaery...

DD: The elaborate un-kidnap Margaery plan huh. Meh, she can suffer Cersei's 'punishment' as well. I've gotta go sharpen up my fire-proofing skills mate, wish me luck. Good day chief.

WC: Woah, you're taking Cersei over Margaery? Mate, that's wilder than Tormund's stud eyes over at Brienne. But yes I find it hard to imagine that goes off without a snag. Remember how the plot to rescue Myrcella went down? Which makes me wonder if those pesky sand snakes may have a role to play in this yet. Anyway, you sharpen your fire-proofing, I'm gonna go stock up on extinguishers and fire alarms. Can never be too careful with the Khaleesi lurking. Farewell and pleasant journeys, Doc.