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A Game of Thrones Convo: Riverrun Run Run Run Run...

Like your old school ball, everybody who's anybody is heading to Riverrun right now and, yes, there will be slow jams. Plus Arya is becoming her true self, Fat Sam stole a pretty sword and the White Walker National Hockey League.


Diggity Doc: El Wildcardo, you alluded to this Riverrun place a wee bit in our episode review. You want to elaborate first on the Riverrun basics? We'll get onto the nitty gritty after that.

Wildcard: Aw, Doc, you'll have to excuse me while I do a quick google on that one, haha. Nah, Riverrun is a big bloody castle in teh Riverlands which effectively the Winterfell of Catelyn's family, the Tully's. Except that they lost it to the Freys (just as the Starks lost WF to the Boltons) - in this case because of a little thing called the Red Wedding where basically their entire ruling family was murdered. Except for two people: Edmure Tully (Cat's brother) who was married off to a Frey and kept as hostage ever since and the legend that is the Blackfish (their uncle), who left the wedding to go take a piss at a very opportune moment and managed to escape. But as we've learned from various other characters since, the Blackfish (Brynden Tully) has gathered an army and retaken the castle, leading to Brienne and a few others marching down there for a possible alliance and Jaime and a few others marching down there with the opposite intention. Mate, it's all converging...

DD: It's a weird little development in the story because a lot of this has kinda happened second hand; we saw first hand Winterfell getting taken over while these Riverrun developments have just been talked about. Is Riverrun anywhere near where ever Sam could be after escaping his father's fat camp? Or do you think they'll stay in their own lanes?

WC: Not even close, Sam's in Oldtown which is probably weeks away. But Riverrun isn't too far away from the Vale and it also happens to be where a certain Littlefinger also grew up, his motives, whatever they are, might come to the surface soon if he gets involved in all this. Plus, of course, the potential reunion of Jaime and Brienne on opposite sides. Doubt that Tormund's gonna take too kindly to Jaime, nudge nudge wink wink. I don't know what's gonna happen there but for a storyline that seemed irrelevant two weeks ago, I'm pretty excited to see it unfold.

DD: I had completely ignored/forgotten about Catelyn's family members who were still on the show - mainly because they aren't seen. The Stark's could use some allies in this big bad world huh?

WC: Out of sight out of mind, nobody knows that trick better than GoT, although I did notice more than a few cheeky mentions of Benjen before his big reappearance. Hey, the North remembers, matey. The Starks will have their allies soon enough, although it was kinda telling that all of this happened without Jon or Sansa even appearing last ep - probably a good thing because the show was starting to get pretty Stark-centric, it needed a broadened horizon for a bit. Whatever happens there will have big Stark ramifications but they're only really involved by proxy, which is kinda relieving given their last interactions with the Freys, right? I'm beginning to picture a situation in which Arya kills Old Walder with a needle in the dark, although problem is she's a loooong way away from doing that in the short term.

DD: At least we are nearing at least a hint of Arya's true calling...

WC: You mean her career as a travelling actress? In the very least we won't have to visit that spine-tingling temple anymore, hopefully. Any inklings on what that true calling might be there Doc?

DD: She's a murderer (as is everyone else) and she will murder. There's value in all that faceless sort of stuff, but Arya has basically been fine tuning her abilities as a general ninja and that's gonna see her do pretty well as shit hits the fan. I do also think that her and Bran are kindred spirits to some extent, which is where her faceless abilities could come in handy. Bran can do his thang, Arya can kinda be whoever she wishes ... and ruthlessly.

WC: I've never quite grasped how the faceless thing works, like that one guy that she freed from the cage going way back seemed to change face at will but it seems like they take the faces from the temple dungeon so I dunno if she can harness that or not. Buuut I do love the contrast between that and acting that Lady Crane seemed to tap into (and it saved her life for now). Arya doesn't really need to shapeshift, she can just pretend - as she did as a beggar in King's Landing, as she did as Tywin's wine-fetcher, as she did as Mercy. Oh and here's another one... in the book it was semi-hinted that maybe she has some lesser warging abilities too, just like Jon. Kinda a perfect killing machine, so who's on the list?

DD: You could argue that warging and acting are rather similar, that would take an essay to explore so we won't go there. Regardless, Arya has top-notch fighting skills and has low key been learning how to fight while being blind which sharpens her senses. We know she goes alright with the needle, so any sort of magic/acting thrown in would make her a rampant killing machine. This is a world where most fighting/killing is done in a semi-organised battle and I've got visions of Arya lurking in the shadows, with people dropping like flies.

WC: Yeah same, and as far as I can tell the three names left on her list are Cersei, Walder and the Mountain. Walder needs to go, the bastard's 90 years old and still wreaking unhinged havoc so if she could cross him off first, that'd be sweet. The Mountain, well... there's a theory out there that he - in his reincarnated Frankenstein form - will find himself fighting in Cersei's trial by combat against... his brother. I mean, that'd just be awesome. The Hound was left for dead last we saw him but that's a few notches better than where Jon started this season so no dramas there. Arya and the Hound are pretty chummy too, she even took him off her list. As for Cersei I thought it was telling that her moment with Lady Crane came with the latter still in Cersei costume and there was a shared moment of empathy about (the character of) Cersei's pain at Joffrey's death. Bit of a spanner, that.

DD: I'm not overly fussed with Arya's list to be honest, she'll go down that path and we'll see her cross a few folk off that list but I'm more excited to just see her turn into a general killer. Surely her storyline won't just be her going down her list, there will be more people she needs to kill and that's what has me excited.

WC: Thing is, half the fellas on that list got whacked by other people, so yeah. But you're right, there's gotta be more to her path than just that, and we don't know what that is yet. That's what frustrates me about these set-up episodes and I know you like them more than me but last ep was all about big decisions. Next ep will be about actions. I reckon you summed it up last recap though when you put our contrast there to me having read the books and getting greedy for new info and you as a pure show-watcher taking in what they serve. Speaking of getting greedy... I know it's a hyper-valuable bit of metal but do you think Sam might have swum out beyond his depth by stealing that sword? Big Daddy's not gonna take that kindly...

DD: Finally you understand me mate. Nah, Sam's daddy was a bit of a prick and that all felt like a minor waste of time that has me thinking that Sam with a big (important) sword could play a major role soon enough. He's smart and his bookworm nature will come only become more important, now he has a badass sword as well. Daddy will come for it though and Sam doesn't have much defence ... unless his White Walker baby can do something.

WC: Yeah man, that bloody kid. I know he's just a baby but I hate him. They saved him from being turned into a White Walker and yet there are those big blues eyes and pale skin taunting us all. But at least Gilly got a try on a pretty dress, I like Gilly. She even stood up for Sam, who went back to being the fully pathetic guy he once was as soon as he was in the same room as his dad. Maybe this is building up towards his big cathartic triumph, when he kills his dad with his own sword. Tyrion got his moment of patricide, maybe Sam gets one too. I think Sam's most valuable asset right now though isn't the sword but, like you alluded to, the knowledge he holds. Arguably nobody else south of the Night's Watch knows the truth of what winter will bring.

DD: Sam isn't exactly acting as though he knows a great deal - more than the other folk do. He obviously knows a lot more than his father and I found that pretty funny. Daddy was talking it up, talking Sam down and what not which as most of the other petty dramas do, falls before the backdrop of an almighty doom approaching. Does Sam's daddy hold any great powers etc?

WC: He owns that sword, which is a big deal, but other than that he's a rich lord from a famous family with a reputation as a great military tactician. Basically, he's Stannis crossed with Tywin but not even half as powerful. Hey but we're burying the lede as far as I'm concerned. Where is Bran headed for now? Up north? Down south? Into another tree somewhere? Because judging by recent experiences I'm gonna guess the Others have a good idea of where they are right now.

DD: And the Others will continue to know where ol' Bran boy is, which leads me to think that maybe he embraces the White Walkers. Boom, that was a sizzler of a hot take there and Uncle Benjen may not be too keen to let that happen. The confusion I showed right there stems from me struggling to believe that the four horsemen guys want to kill Bran. They seem to be specifically hunting for Bran, rightfully so as they've experienced his powers and killing him seems all a bit too easy, don't it?

WC: Oh matey, and that's an idea I've pondered with for a couple of weeks. If they wanted him dead, they probably could have killed him by now. They definitely don't care about anyone else but Bran I think maybe they're looking to harness him somehow. Hard to say, because the scary thing about the White Walkers is that we know nothing of their intentions. Like, what do they do all day? Is there some sort of daycare for all those Craster Baby Walkers? How do they pass the time when they aren't killing crows, wildlings or wolves? Imagine if way up north there's like this super competitive ice hockey league or something.

DD: And baby Sam is the chosen one ... Sidney Crosby!? I'm pretty keen on the idea that Bran and the White Walkers may not exactly be against each other, it's just that Benjen popped up on the scene. We have to assume that Benjen now exists to save Bran from the WW, the spanner in my works so to speak.

WC: Yeah Benjen is a weird one. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have him back but... what is he, exactly? A lot of people are calling him Coldhands but while he might be the same sort of being as him now, I don't think that's the case - though he might be filling the void of the Coldhands character on the show. He's part-Wight, by the looks, but he's perfectly sentient and can talk and all that. I'd like to know what he's been up to as well, and why the Three-Eyed Raven didn't see fit to mention him (although a young Benjen did show up in Bran's visions a few times).

DD: Come to think of it, this is probably the most confusing thing in the show at the moment. My dramatic pick is that Bran has to kill Benjen or at least rid himself of Benjen, siding with the WW for good or evil. What you reckon?

WC: I reckon Benjen's taking them back to the Wall for a bit of reconciliation. He and Jon have a bit in common these days, though Melisandre won't care for him so hmm. Maybe they chill in an empty castle for a while, that was where they found Coldhands in the book. Although... Benjen probably can't pass through the Wall, being semi-wightish. So scratch that, maybe. In the least, I reckon Benjen's link to the past generation makes him more crucial than people realise. I just don't know how.

DD: Way to confuse me even more, you're always good for that. I better make tracks, hopefully no one's stolen my horse. Adios.

WC: Adios Doc, what you need is a dragon to travel by. And since we didn't get onto any Daenerys stuff this week (for good reason), I'll leave you with this recent discovery of mine. The dude who plays Grey Worm has a side-career as an indie R&B singer. I wonder how he's able to hit those high notes...