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A Game of Thrones Convo: We Got Theories (and Lyanna Mormont is a Champion)

From the gut stabbing of one character and some sneaky possible motives to the disease of violence and who it might afflict to everyone's new favourite character. 

Click here for TNC's S06E07 Review

Diggity Doc: Last week Wildcard we had minor differences in our general opinions of that week's GoT episode and this week's episode followed a similar pattern with more negotiation over action. Now I'm curious to get your view on 'The Broken Man' - I think you would have liked it. More so that last week, just curious as to how or why?

Wildcard: G'day Doc, yeah I did actually. A fair bit more. I reckon you summed it up as the difference between book readers and not (to be fair, I've still got a couple hundy pages left in the last book), so where you probably really enjoy the pump fake episodes, I'm out there waiting for the jump shot because even if I don't know the next step in the story, I at least have some idea of where it might go based on what book characters they're borrowing from. A lot's made of the divergence between book and show but in a funny way that's kept the book's relevance long after they've passed it on telly since the general schemes are all the same. For example, this latest ep had a new character called Brother Ray. Not in the books, but his whole ideal was based on Septon Meribald who was - right down to the pacifism and Hound-reviving... but then the Hound's survival was only hinted at in that chapter so there was new to go with known. I'm pretty acutely aware when I sit to watch each episode that these sixty minutes will be the only new revelations I get for a week so when all they do is reshuffle the deck for the next sixty, while that's something they have to do, it's frustrating. But even if E7 might not have had a lot of action, there was plenty of new info that changed plenty of things. Does that all make sense, haha?

DD: Yeah mate I feel ya, I feel ya. I loved both episodes because it's all information and we're seeing all these castles and famous families wheeling and dealing with each other. I love castles in general so I've been in heaven. I'll get us started with a bang and raise a theory that I've seen: Arya was not Arya in that last ep, it was that Jaq fellow doing his faceless thingy. What ya reckon?

WC: Yeah... nah. If only because I think to take someone's face they have to be in the dungeon of faces, meaning they're dead. I think that's the case anyway. Arya's new predicament was the big twist last ep but it's pretty hard to imagine things going any more sour for her, this just keeps her in town while she recuperates - mostly I'm confused how a pro killer could both that whole thing so badly. A gut stabbing? Come on ya dumb waif. Unless... it was just a warning shot? Funny you mention Jaqen because he specifically said 'no suffering' and a stab to the gut is the opposite of that. I wonder how that dude reacts now. It all falls nicely with my hope that Arya ends up taking passage back to Westeros with the acting folk if only because I reckon Cersei might be chuckled with the performance.

DD: And Arya let her guard down both by apparently having too much defence and welcoming that ol' lady into her personal space ... after being clearly on edge in her little shack. It's weird but I'm not overly bothered by Arya right now as there's a fair bit of action about to go down in Westeros. Were you somewhat captivated by that young Lady Mormont?

WC: Oh hell yes. Lady Mormont was badass, once again Thrones do that thing where when one character does something dumb, another steps into their territory. They've been teasing us for a while now by dragging out the Arya stuff and now just as she finally broke through to take up her rightful place as Young Girl Who is Tougher Than Everyone Else in the Scene, she goes and gets shanked while Lady Mormont sits with a couple of Arya's siblings eating out of the palm of her hand. Bit of a pity she only has 60-odd soldiers but when she says they fight with the strength of ten men then I don't doubt it. A little weird that she marched with them but all goods, gotta keep the screen-owners within range. On that note, there was Sansa's note. She's almost certainly writing to Littlefinger and I think she realises that he's her only hope right now. Still, a bit of a sneaky one inviting that snake into the pit, right?

DD: Lady Mormont is definitely a badass and the similarities between her and Arya were uncanny. This is always a dangerous game to play but it feels like there is more to Lady Mormont than just helping out the Stark siblings ya know? I'm all-in on GoT's youth policy and Lady Mormont fits that script perfectly as a powerful youngsters. She can't help a great deal with her teeny-weeny army so I'm intrigued as to how she might enjoy a more prominent role. Littlefinger is slimey bugger and the less help Sansa asks of him the better - it sucks that she could be asking him for help because that will likely open the door for something redonkulous to happen. Wait ... we're sure she was writing to that slime-bag?

C: Yeah I'm sure at least. I cannot think of any reasonable alternative, unfortunately. I mean, at least he is sort of on her side all the same, and the last time she saw him she pretty much made him grovel. Plus he has soldiers and that counts - if they have to risk the Littlefinger influence to defeat the Boltons then I reckon I can handle that. I enjoy old Pete Baelish as a character at least, even if I don't trust him a single bit. It's funny about that youth policy because all the most capable people have been the old and the young ones. The Stark kids, Dany, Ramsay (in his own way), Sam, even the Sand Snakes. And then your older folks like Tywin, Davos, Barristan, the Blackfish, Lady Olenna, the High Sparrow, the Raven, all of them. The real drama in this show comes from those supposedly in their prime... specifically the Lannisters, Ellaria Sand, everyone older than 21 on the Wall and all those pesky Meereenish leaders. Say what you will of Tywin but he got stuff done, since he died all Cersei has done is make a mess and now two young folk in Margaery and Tommen (but mostly Margaery because the Lannister kids were all so under the thumb that they don't count in this idea) are poised to take over King's Landing with the help of an old fella in the High Sparrow. As for Lady Lyanna Mormont, I wonder how coincidental it is that she shares the name of an incredibly important character in all of this, that of Lyanna Stark. Also, as long as they're still alive (and sometimes even after they aren't), characters go from D-List to A-List in the space of one episode of this bad boy so don't worry about that.

DD: In fact, I hope Sansa wrote that note to Littlefinger and that she manages to fire a few shots across Littlefinger's bow ... not with violence but in smarts. Sansa has never really been in a position where she can influence a situation with her mental ability as she's generally been controlled by someone and usually a male. We've seen Sansa start to pull a few strings in the North now and I just wonder if she's got a grand plan in writing to Littlefinger. Just as it appears that Margaery has a grand plan with the High Sparrow. Just as we questioned her motives, we were given a response and a pretty clear response in that little rose doodle. Mate, I did my research with this Mormont girl and I didn't know her cousin is Jorah. Kinda weird she has the name of a pretty damn crucial character that we don't know about and that she's related to some bloke who was strangely sent on a journey to find a cure to something deemed incurable. Does that also loosely tie Dany/Meereen with the Iron Islands, where Shireen used to reside?

WC: Nah mate, not the Iron Islands. It all gets a bit weird and confusing over there off the coast but the Irons are Theon's ancestral home. House Mormont is from Bear Island further north and Stannis ruled on Dragonstone which is apparently on the other (eastern) shore of Westeros. Yeah, lots of crap to know. But since Davos, aka Shireen's bestie, is now a Stark adviser I'd suggest that connection is still there. Especially now that both Dany and Jon have red women on their side proclaiming them the messiah (each for seemingly legit reasons too). Jorah's quest is definitely a strange one but if he can stumble on whatever secret cured Shireen's greyscale then maybe it will take him to Jon and Sansa, maybe he's the emissary that ties it all together. Problem is nobody seems to know what cured Shireen, they went for a 'let's take every pill in the medicine cabinet and one is bound to work' type approach. Don't try that at home, kids. Hmm and on the subject of that lil girl, are we to believe that Davos doesn't know what happened to her yet? Coz that'll be a deal breaker between Melisandre and him. Ooh and another thing: Jorah's daddy Jeor was the Lord Commander before Jon, who died in the mutiny at Craster's. Another connection (which he alluded to with Lyanna).

DD: Ah chief there you go again, bamboozling me with information. I've got another question though - are we sure that the lads who murdered the Hound's newfound friends the Brotherhood Without Banners? I'm less exciting by the prospect of this 'Clegane Bowl' than you appear to be and I'm more intrigued by the presence of those lads and how they fit in with this whole situation, possibly at Riverrun as well? Riverrun ... where we surely won't sit through a 2 year siege!?

WC: On the contrary there champion, by the looks of next week's preview (and the fact that the late-season eps are always action packed) it seems like Riverrun will come to a head within a couple weeks - starting with Brienne arriving soon enough. The so-called Brotherhood Without Banners are bigger in the books but we did get a good time with them a few seasons back with Lord Beric getting revived (paving the way for Jon's resurrection) and The Hound even hanging with them. So if they recognised him, and they must have seen him since they surely deliberately attacked while he wasn't there, then that's now open info about his being alive. But it also takes him further from the supposed Clegane Bowl. If I'm guessing, I'd say they aren't real Brotherhoods, but regular banditos posing as them - the Brotherhood aren't out there slaying unless you're a Frey or Lannister. There's a Lannister/Sparrow connection but it must be public knowledge now that that's gone sour. I guess the reason I dig the Hound vs the Mountain is because here's someone who might actually kill that so-called abomination, which'd be nice. It'd also destroy Cersei's last bit of protection, though we're a little bit away from that yet. First off is Riverrun and Winterfell. It's castle storming time, Doc. Grab a crossbow and kill a Frey/Lannister... wait, you're backing the Blackfish too, right?

DD: Blackfish is all business mate and anyone who stone-faces Jaime Lannister like that must be pretty content with themselves. We can certainly live without those Frey jokers, like they are as dumb as they are grimey and I'm not too sure what they actually contribute besides hosting the Red Wedding - nice buggers. We must also note Ramsay Bolton's absence which is scary and I remember in the trailer for this season that there was a flayed body burning in a field in front of a bit of a crowd. Unless that flayed body is Ramsay's I'm scared...

WC: Ah, yes, the conspicuously absent. As was Bran last episode, as was Tyrion, as was Sam. But Ramsay's been lying low most of the season, really. Ever since it was revealed he has Rickon as a hostage and that's gotta be a massive card left to play for him, an ace up the sleeve. Especially when it comes to a Stark-led siege because I cannot see Jon and Sansa playing it as tough as the Blackfish did when he called the Frey's bluff over Edmure and his threatened hanging. Ramsay is scary because he's a psychopath, he's capable of almost anything... including hogging half of the northern lords so the Stark's cannot rally them. We want to see him beaten except I'm with Sansa in that I don't reckon Jon and her can defeat him as things stand. Say, you reckon Theon had any fun at that brothel? I get the last night on shore thing but despite the inspirational speech it wasn't very nice of Yara to bring him there what with his lack of a penis and all.

DD: Any thoughts on that flayed/burning body from the trailer? It'd be nice if it was Ramsay's body right? Theon who could possibly meet up with his Unsullied brothers? I'm eager to see a possible collabo between Theon and the Unsullied as well as Yara x Dany, assuming Dany is heading back to Meereen and all. Oh and I'm not certain that the trip to Meereen will be smooth sailing as they say, Euron is still lurking and he's got some lofty ambitions.

WC: Buddy, I'd help you out on the flayed man but I can't remember it. It does sound suspiciously like something Ramsay enjoys doing though. If not him, maybe a Sons of the Harpy resurgence? I wouldn't say it'd be nice if it's Ramsay though, I'm in Brother Ray's court here, violence is a disease. Although I'm also in another Brother Ray's court in which it'd be sweet if Ramsay hit the road, jack, and didn't come back no more no more no more no more. So I'm conflicted, really. Just gotta remind myself it's only a TV show (NO!). Righty-o, Theon and the Unsullied... I remember they were going to brothels too for a while, just for an actual kiss and cuddle, mind you. We've seen from Tyrion, Jorah and even Dany herself that the trip to Meereen is hard stuff, I almost don't expect to see them this week, although Euron may need to make an appearance - he did talk a big game. Thing is, Dany wants these boats. Other than that they feel like pawns in a bigger game so a few hiccups on the way could turn into a disaster fairly quick.

DD: Nah mate, flayed body burning on a grassy field and don't forget that the Bolton's little moniker is a flayed man. Now whether it's at the hands of a Bolton or a bit of revenge, I'm not sure but I vividly remember a flayed body burning in front of a crowd ... or else I'm dreaming of flayed bodies burning and that scares the shit out of me. Pawns in the big ol' Game of Thrones right? Dany's ruthless but I can't see her kicking Yara and Theon to the curb just for their ships, she'll have a purpose for them.

WC: That's supposing they even get to her - plenty can happen in a scene on this show and everything changes. Like will probably happen with Sam because this week someone finally put words to something I'd been wondering about Fat Sam... how is he supposed to become a Maester in the time left of this show, surely that takes years? But then he stole a sword so I assume his travelling is a narrative device. We've already discovered some Valyrian steel so that's one factor, next I imagine he either discovers some crucial detail or he meets some relevant new face - Gilly could be involved there, surely. Here's another thought on that flayed man thing... it sounds like a Brotherhood Without Banners thing to make a public statement like that. Here's hoping at least.

DD: Oooh there we go mate, this is like an interrogation - I poke and prod to point your mind in different directions and boom! That's the tricky thing right as we didn't see Fat Sam, Tyrion, Ramsay, Bran etc yet it felt like so much happened in that last episode. Sam's gonna have to deal with an angry father first of all and I just want to see Sam spark up that ruthless streak. I had a similar vibe as you with that 'violence is a disease' line and morally it's great, applying it to a real life/modern day context is fantastic as there is genuinely a disease of violence in our world. However, in the GoT world you've gotta be able to handle yourself whether that be through magic, wielding a sword or putting them dukes up. For all the good that our new Septon friend showed, he was left hanging there while the people who he led were left dead on the ground ... and the Hound wandered off with an axe.

WC: It's one thing to be non-violent but if you can't convince the ruthless citizens of Westeros to agree with you then it's not to much use, I guess. As Dany keeps finding out every time she tries to do something nice for the people of Meereen, the Dothraki, basically everyone. So she rides dragons and burns the bastards. I'm assuming the Hound is off for revenge because that's one thing that he's very good at, but I feel for the dude, he's working through some serious PTSD. Interesting point, the next episode is called 'No One'. Supposedly that's an Arya/Jaqen reference but they always have double meanings. Any further theories on that? Because I reckon the Hound may be a little to do with that inference. Also the last two episodes are confirmed to run overtime, so bonus Thrones, yay for all us.

DD: You're leading me right back into my theory that this Jaqen fellow had a greater role in the stabbing of 'Arya' than you believe. Bold predictions always tend to be wrong, so I'm gonna say that 'No One' refers to some trickery at play there (I'VE SEEN THE EVIDENCE AND CAN CONVINCE YOU). I wouldn't rule out ol' Houndy teaming up with those who killed his new friends and the story flowing on from there. Booyakasha, that's two cray-cray ideas for Monday.

WC: Mate, careful there or they'll take you on as a writer. Yeah I still reckon the waif was going rogue but I know far better than to get convinced about theories. Going down that path, ep #9 is called 'The Battle of the Bastards' which speaks for itself. Umm... what do we really know about Jaqen H'ghar? Nothing at all, right? Damn, Doc, you've got me really thinking now...

DD: Tehehehehehe, I think I've convinced myself that I have faceless man powers now. I better go see a Septon. Keep me in your prayers, until next time...

WC: Prayers to the Seven? Or the Old Gods? Or the Red One? Ah, don't worry, I'll check in with the lot of them... just not the Many-Faced God because he frightens me. Catch ya some other time Doc, so long as neither of us are flayed in a field.