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A Game of Thrones Convo: Wolves at the Crossroads

When watches end, the talking begins and the Diggity Doc and Wildcard sure had plenty to discuss now in between episodes three and four.


Diggity Doc: El Wildcardo, the Ramsay Bolton of the Niche Cache, how ya been? Jokes, you're much nicer than Ramsay, not quite Jon Snow though ... Mr Snow who has been on my mind this week, more so than we he was dead as I have no idea where he is off to after doing what the Parramatta Eels board should do and stepping aside as leader of the Night's Watch. Surely he's not going to try take over Westeros by himself? Maybe he's privy to more than we know? Maybe he's a wargy-warger himself? Care to help me out here?

Wildcard: Hey, Doc, I'd love to but I've got no bloody idea mate. He could be heading down to retake Winterfell or he could be looking to start a fish and chip shop in Dorne for all I know. I think he probably is a wargy-warger, based on the connection he and his wolf seemed to have in his revival, so there's that. Also, it did look like he forgot that wolf, he might wanna go back and get it. Personally I'd like to see him someday in the halves for the Dragons, be they the St George/Illawarra variety of the Targaryen variety, I mean they sure teased a certain fan theory last ep didn't they?

DD: They did, yet it was nicely done for those who aren't GoT nerds as those with no idea of that fan theory aren't too much wiser after that flashback. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Jon return to the wall in a bit of a 'where's my bloody keys?' sort of situation. Well, you'd assume so because in GoT you aren't much without an army. Either situation (a lone Jon Snow vs Jon Snow and his army) is equally as interesting to me, so I'm at their mercy.

WC: There's this real existential crisis going on with him right now. He died and seems pretty bummed about that but, like, he also came back. So... how much credit do you think he's given the Red God for that? Melisandre's tried to pull a few moves on him in the past and now he's technically allowed to follow through on that if he's feeling like keeping up his redhead fetish. She's definitely in on it, he's the prince that was promised, ya know? Regardless of who it comes from, I'd say he 100% needs a bit of guidance first. Maybe from her, maybe from Davos, hell... maybe from the Three Eyed Raven. I'm starting to feel like Jon and Bran have more in common than the rest of the Starkies, I wonder if that'll come through.

DD: Would you mind running through a bit of a roll-call with the various wolves? Jon's wolf is alive and well ... and Bran's?

WC: Right, yeah. Jon and Ghost are all goods. Same goes for Bran and Summer, although Bran leaves his wolf a little wild for hunting, it roams around a bit and he jumps in its mind to check on it. Umm... that might be it for united pairs. Arya's wolf (Nymeria) bit Joffrey way back in the first season and ran away, presumably it is still roaming the midlands out there. Sansa's wolf (Lady) got killed instead of Arya's as punishment. Shaggydog just got corkscrewed and Robb's doggy Grey Wind went the same way as he did - violently. So there are three mythical direwolves left out there now. Same as there are three mythical dragons. One each of those animals is roaming and lost. Hmm...

DD: Oooh that's an interesting wee connection there. Jon Snow is under a cloud of uncertainty as he left the Wall in a huff while Daenerys would love to be able to stroll out of her little situation with the Dothraki widows. No good will come of Dany kicking it with those widows, so you've gotta assume that she'll be looking for an escape route somehow. Any idea how that might pan out? I mean, if Tyrion can further his dragon-whispering, Dany can stay with the widows for all I care.

WC: The beau's Jorah and Daario are hot on her heels, in the preview for next week's episode (I normally avoid them but this time caught me in a moment of Wall-induced weakness) they seem to figure out where she is. As to whether two guys can rescue her I have no idea, I'm picturing a Lion King style diversion with Daario playing Pumba by doing a hula dance while Timon/Jorah sneaks her out the back. I'm assuming she's supposed to learn some lesson about accepting her past but it's all annoying for now, Dany once again wasted in some repeating cycle - while Varys and Tyrion are getting more done without her than she did all last season. One tricky thing with her is that she believes she's the last Targaryen and thus the throne is hers alone... except that one way or another there may be others out there too and they could have stronger claims if they come forward. I still wanna see her succeed but at some stage all these destined powers are gonna converge and they'll have to strike alliances, she won't be able to rule alone. What's your ideal tag-team Westeros conquering duo? I've waiting patiently for Dany and Jon to fall in love/forge a commanding political alliance at first sight. Although also, as much as I understand all that happened, I was always a little sad that Sansa never trusted Tyrion to save her back when.

DD: Sansa and Tyrion would be ideal if we're talking couples but in terms of a duo then it's hard to look past Tyrion and Varys. Easily the two smartest characters, they'd figure out how kill off anyone who goes against them ... I mean, Meereen is like a trial for them to see how capable they are as a team in ruling a city.

WC: Oh well there you go, that duo's already hard at work. Talking to little birds, whispering to dragons, plotting to overthrow the established lords of the nation. Both have had a bit more experience at this than Dany has, Tyrion was the King's Hand for a while there and did a top job by most impartial accounts and Varys has long been an influential figure behind the scenes. But now here they are together, Kobe and Shaq, trying to win a championship. Varys is definitely Shaq, there's no doubt about that. My question now: How long until they unleash the dragons? Because I don't think they can do this without them, yet do they dare without Daenerys around?

DD: Well that depends on Tyrion's skill or confidence in dealing with dragons don't it? Maybe he's got to go into training camp with the dragons and get them firing their fire at targets, as Tyrion commands. I actually think there's many more minor details across Westeros, etc. to get sorted this season before we reach any major climax. Tyrion riding a dragon will happen, maybe not this season.

WC: Another training camp? We've already got Arya's and Bran's going strong. I reckon those dragons are out of the dungeons within two episodes, that's my big call. The situation in Meereen is too combustive not to fight fire with fire, just gotta risk it soon enough. Remember how Tyrion swung the Battle of the Blackwater a few seasons ago? His little slice of genius with the wildfire was all. Burnt Stannis' fleet half to ash. Killed Davos' son too but that's war for you. He already has a talent for fiery tricks.

DD: Yeah letting them loose is one thing but Tyrion being a fully fledged dragon warrior is another. Do you see a parallel between Meereen and King's Landing where both cities have rebel situations (Sons Of Harpy/High Sparrow's gang) but up against them you can put dragons and the freak-a-zoid?

WC: Oh there is definitely a parallel there. Two subvergent uprisings, one in the name of tradition and the other in the name of religions, each rallying against an established (but only recently so) force. Cersei's problem is that she kinda gave the Sparrows their power. But while the High Sparrow is presented all sneaky and scary, I sort of feel like he's at least got righteous intentions. Hard to tell but I think if he didn't, then they'd have outed him as a sex predator by now. Like they did with Lord Farty Pycelle. The High Sparrow himself seems a genuine guy. The army of followers that he commands... that I'm concerned about. The thing is that most religions end up taking precedence over the individual, there's a lot of submission there. Meaning it's very difficult to fight a group that are literally dedicating their lives to something, especially something so inflexible. Now imagine if the Sparrows all had guns and eighth grade educations and a completely unreasonable sense of patriotism. There are your Donald Trump voters right there. There's one of your real-world comparisons, Doc.

DD: Well Wildcard, I think that is where we should enter the super exciting real-world ourselves once again ... I've got dragon-whisperer theories to research. Jah bless.

WC: And I have actual Dragons to watch. Well, if you count Benji Marshall as one of those. Adios, mi amigo, my watch has ended.