The 2016 NBA Finals: An Invocation
The 2016 NBA Finals: An Invocation
Tell us, O Muse
Of that man of many buckets
Who shoots from far and wide
After winning back to back MVPs.
Many the teams his Warriors saw
Whose losses he dealt.
Many the struggles in finally
Beating the Thunder in seven
To bring himself and his friends
To the Finals again.
Tell us again, O Muse
Of that man of many medals
The one that Cleveland foretold
Would bring prosperity once again.
Many the teammates he’s had
Whose trades thus were dealt.
Few were the struggles in easily
Leading his Cavaliers from the East
To bring himself and his friends
To the Finals again.
Two tales entwined, as old as time
That we gather now to hear
The preeminent hero meets
The legend that preceded him.
The defending champions against
A city impoverished of gold.
Shall we cast our coins for Draymond
Or withhold them for Kev and Kyrie?
Lay allegiances with Thompson
Tristan or Klay?
For both now a barrage of
Three pointers shall fly
While Golden State run
Pick and rolls and Cleveland
Raid the boards with size.
Yet despite the best wishes
Of each, one must fail
Be it by their own un-wisdom,
Masters Kerr and Lue,
Fated of Death Lineups and Big Men,
Or by foolishly fouling the shooters of Helios,
So that Silver, the basketball overlord,
May deny them their rings.
Tell us, O Muse, tell us of all of these things
Beginning at game one and to whence it shall end.
Tell us of NBA Finals and triumph to bring.
- Wildcard