Watching Season Two Of Silicon Valley; Bad Money

"He's the worst man in America and now he owns us."

Yeah, that's never a good sign especially for a vulnerable Pied Piper as they continue to face legal action from Hooli. We left Pied Piper last week as Richard pondering a takeover bid from Hooli boss dog Gavin Belson and that's right where we pick up as Richard returns from that meeting and attempts to convince his Pied Piper team that sometimes, being someone else's bitch isn't that bad, ya know?

I always prefer to take business advice from a man with a bong though, that's just me...

It's safe to say that the crew don't really like Richard's approval of this takeover bid from Hooli, but that doesn't stop Richard as he goes to hit up Hooli and seal the deal. What does stop Richard however is Russ Hanneman (what a name!), more on Russ in a second but if you haven't picked up who Hooli are replicating in hilarious ways throughout the show, this shot should help you out...

Ah, but the smooth talking Russ Hanneman who whisks Richard away from Hooli, offering them a large chunk of money to fund their dreams. Too good to be true right?

Cue how to smile like a douchebag #1

And how to smile like a douchebag #2

This is where the main issue of this episode comes in as king douchey douche Mr Hanneman's backing of Pied Piper turns out to be semi false. Not only does his hefty cheque bounce as he always intended it to bounce, but his attempts to bring in a bit of Pied Piper advertising in the form of massive billboards, strategically place to piss off Hooli's Belson do just that, which in turns intensifies his hatred for Pied Piper, thus intensifying the legal action.

But first, our good mate Jarred had to tell Richard that he celebrated the deal with Hanneman the night before.

Ooooh, bit too much information there bro.

And so Pied Piper is now under the ownership of the worst man in America, a pretty shitty place to be. Especially considering that Hooli's lawyers, who epitomise laywer-ness have conjured up a plan involving a former Pied Piper team member - Nelson, from season one who still works at Hooli. Works, is a loose word, he just sits on the roof all day as he's still employed by Hooli but doesn't have any responsibilities.

The lawyers come up with this devious plan to promote and pander to Nelson, as they want to make him out to be the genius behind Pied Piper, thus proving that Pied Piper was started at Hooli. Boom, what a plan! But for some reason I just can't see Nelson really helping that plan along...

Tech Start Up Learnings

Don't be a douche, or at the very least, don't fall for the douche.

Do what you want to do, not what you should do. Unless it's the ultimate douche telling you that.

In negotiating, always shoot for the stars.

When carrying food, always take into account buttons you'll have to press and doors you'll have to open.

No one needs to know how you 'celebrated', especially not at breakfast.

Team Pied Piper Performance Ratings 

Richard: C. Another muddling effort from Richard as he got drawn in by the Hooli takeover only to get woo'd by Russ Hanneman (what a name!) which went from bad to worse. 

Erlich: C-. The presence of Russ Hanneman (what a name!) was difficult for Erlich to take, every time he tried to be nice he got bounced by Russ Hanneman. He did find his identity as an 'independent business man' though, so good on him.

Monica: C+. She couldn't convince her boss at Raviga, Laurie to work with renowned douche Russ Hanneman but she did try so yey.

Jared: A+. He was on point with his core roles within the team, of which he did such a great job in juggling numbers/financials and what not that I can excuse his horrible masturbation moment.

Dinesh: B. Taught me some negotiating skills - he only needed two 'helpers' but shot for 13, there ya go son.

Bertram: B. At this point everything Dinesh is doing, Bertram is doing.

Jian-Yang: Unseen.

Nelson: C-. Nelson! You're back, but you dropped a shitload of food and you're in for a rough ride my friend.