101 Lingering Questions After Watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Right, first off… who exactly is Rey: Is she Luke’s daughter, or maybe Han and Leia’s lost daughter? Or just some scavenger with The Force (unlikely, these movie love their familial bombshells)?

So then assuming that she’s got some important heritage… why was she dumped on some sandy planet to fend for herself? (I guess she might have had caretakers that died or she ran away or something).

And assuming that she’s Luke’s kid… who is the elusive Mrs Skywalker?

What if… she’s actually related to Obi-Wan Kenobi? Obviously he died more than nine months before she was born but she could be a granddaughter. Obi-Wan had a lotta down time between Ep III and Ep IV, who knows what kind of mischief he got up to?

Why did Rey have that little hallucination when she picked up the lightsaber and, more importantly, what did it all mean? (Other than a call to fate and some slick filmmaking).

Why did the lightsaber call to her in the first place, do they usually do that?

How is it that Rey never once realised that she was all Force-sensitive? Never accidentally picked up a ratchet with her mind or read some threatening dude’s mind before then?

How much does Rey actually know about her family that are supposedly coming back for her?

Would she have taken that job with Han?

How well would he have paid her?

Are we all ready for Rampage Chewbacca now that his best pal is dead?

Does Chewie inherit the Millennium Falcon or does it go to Leia? Either way, Rey probably ends up with it for keepsies.

How come Han never realised that taking on an apprentice in this world is the first sign that you’re becoming obsolete, and that obsolete characters get killed off fast in this world?

Are there non-Skywalker clan folk out there that can access the Force? This Snoke lad is one, who else?

Speaking of that Snoke dude… what’s his deal?

Ad what happened to his face?

And why the massive hologram? (Shrek voice: Do ya think maybe he’s compensating for something?)

What did Snoke say to tempt Ben Solo over?

Did Kylo Ren really slaughter all the other baby Jedis at Luke’s special academy? That’s coldhearted, man.

So was Han an absent father or did that all come after the Jedi sapling massacre?

Did he not tell Ben that he loved him enough? Seemed like there were some unresolved issues there.

How well did George Lucas get on with his own dad?

Who are these ‘Knights of Ren’?

How badly hurt is Kylo Ren? Is he gonna end up disfigured like the rest of his Jedi family? (Luke’s hand, Anakin’s everything).

What’s the appeal of the Dark Side? Seems like someone would have figured out the pattern of immediate power, eventual destruction by now. Jedis aren’t celibate or anything right? (If they are then that destroys at least one Rey theory).

Can you ever really redeem yourself after breaking bad with the Force, as Han and Leia seem to wish for lil Bennie boy? Vader’s redemption was pretty much a death bed conversion before he got to chill as a Force Ghost. Not like he had to reconcile his mass tyranny as a reformed bad guy.

Are there Dark Side Force Ghosts?

How long will we have to wait for Kylo and Luke to meet face to face, and will he drop the truth bomb of Vader’s dying words?

How does he not already know that story if he trained with Luke?

Or does he view that whole thing in the inverse? Like, Vader was corrupted in the end by the Light Side, that’s why he needs to ‘finish what he started’.

Three-pronged lightsaber, isn’t that a bit dangerous?

How much training does Kylo still have to do and what will that madness entail?

How much is that little brush of the face from Han gonna haunt Kylo?

Will Mummy Leia be able to swing him back around?

How much did Han’s death have to do with Harrison Ford coming back in the first place? Was it in his enormous contract?

Given that Harrison Ford has admitted to the rumour that he argued for Han Solo to die in Return of the Jedi, do you reckon it was his idea?

It definitely made those ‘Harry got paid 50 times more than the young co-stars’ headlines look pretty funny, right? Cleary written by people who don’t realise that the others get two more films of career-making stardom outta this thing.

What’s Han been doing all this time anyway? Gone back to scavenging apparently.

Was it really a new jacket?

Who the hell was he trying to transport those death squids for!?

When Kylo drew Han in closer, was he just playing him or was he genuinely struggling with what he knew he had to do as an oedipal villain?

Shouldn’t Han have just yanked that ‘saber away from him when he had the chance? You don’t let naughty boys keep their toys when they misbehave.

Why do people keep falling into chasms on these Death Stars?

Bit of a weird one: Are these rookies so good with the Force because they’re almost the only ones out there accessing it and there’s a whole lotta Force bandwidth empty?

What’s Luke been doing all by his lonesome these many years? It’s a lovely view but there must be something else up there. Looking for the original Jedi temple supposedly but, like, it’s either there or it isn’t.

Maybe he’s busy with a painstaking solo rebuilding job?

Were all those other points on the map other Jedi temples?

Why did he leave a map anyway?

Did he do something to help corrupt Kylo? Something serious, some great mistake, because it definitely sounds like he feels responsible.

So the Stormtroopers all have licence plates for names?

How many other Stormtroopers have defected in the past?

Are there attempted breakouts on the daily and the only reason Finn got away was because he escaped with the best fighter pilot in the galaxy?

Is Finn gonna have some fancy parentage too?

Is it racist to hope that he’s related to Lando Calrissian?

By the way, where the hell is Lando!? They brought everyone else back.

Does Finn have any Force sensitivity or is he just really good with lightsabers the same way he learned to shoot TIE fighter guns within 20 seconds?

When they crashed on Jakku, Finn plucked Poe’s jacket out of the mess unharmed but we later learn Poe was thrown far from the wreckage (we get you were in a hurry, dude, but take a look around!). This’ll only need one re-watch to confirm, but did Poe take his jacket off on screen before they flew away?

What did Poe do on Jakku after waking up alone and jacket-less?

What if he’d left his wallet in that jacket?

Be honest… who thought he was dead? It did seem like he’d served his purpose as a character by getting Finn to relative safety.

How hard is it to find a freakin’ droid?

Do you reckon the baddies are keeping those Death Star blueprints on a droid of their own?

Mate, what the hell is Chewbacca supposed to do now?

Carrie Fisher’s still a badass but don’t you think she talks way different now? Leia used to be way more feisty and wisecracking. Maybe it’s a deliberate ‘mellowing with age and the disgrace of her only (?) son’ sorta thing.

Is Max Von Sydow coming back? They killed him, right, was that explicit or only implied? (You know the rule: No body, no worries – just ask Poe Dameron).

How does his character, Lor San Tekka, know Ben Sola/Kylo Ren?

Did Luke give him the rest of the map or did he come across it some other way?

What role does he play in the Jedi landscape? Seems as though he isn’t one but he must have connections for Luke, on a voyage to find Jedi temples/artefacts would run into him and leave the map in his care. You know, supposing he did.

The First Order sprung from the fallen Empire… doesn’t that make them, in the very least, the Second Order?

Was Domhnall Gleeson’s character pitched as ‘Ginger Hitler’?

Why haven’t they figured out how to protect that one glaring weakness in their Death Stars yet?

Lupita N’yongo’s character (little yellow lady with massive glasses)… is she related to Yoda in some way? Both really old and wise and small and funny coloured and vaguely… froggish.

If not, did they ever have a little fling or anything? Because there’s a cute power couple for ya. (Of course, he’s now dead going on 30 years and we don’t know if she’s still alive either).

Luke lost that lightsaber when Vader chopped his hand off… how did Maz Kanata (which is her name) end up with it?

Which brings us to this: The Stormtroopers demolished that bar/casino thing when they turned up, it was all rubble and wreck by the end. What happened to the crowded room of patrons? Were they all chilling in a bunker, coz I didn’t see any bodies?

Why does C3PO have a red arm now?

Who or what woke R2D2 up? Something must’ve triggered it. A disturbance in the force…? Rey’s arrival? Luke from a distance?

How widespread are the Luke Skywalker myths? Rey knew all about ‘em on an obscure dusty planet… though she may have already had those seeds planted before she turned up there.

Did nobody notice the monster killing machine that the First Order were building and try stop them earlier?

You’d have thought the Resistance would have way more numbers than we see based on the fact that they’re the ones who aren’t blatantly evil, wouldn’t you?

Don’t you think it was a bit weird that the silver Stormtrooper (Captain Phasma, played by Brienne from GoT) simply gave in when they cornered her? Seems like most Troopers would sooner go kamikaze.

Han said to chuck her in a garbage shoot. How dare they not give us the payoff of that!?

Given that she was a prominent character who hardly got anything to do (especially in the back half), and was stuck in a garbage shoot when the planet exploded… is she even alive anymore?

How come people can understand BB-8 when he talks? It’s just beeps and boops. For a droid like C3PO, sure, but for people it’s kinda strange.

Did this film add in any new races of people worthy of the canon? (Wookies, Sand People, Ewoks etc.)

Where are all the Ewoks?

Did you notice? – Not a single mention of ‘midichlorians’!

And no Jar-Jar Binks either? So much for the super villain theory.

Isn’t it kinda sad that the happy endings of the first trilogy turned out to be a drop in the ocean of perpetual struggle?

Does this film (and the two after it) edge the prequels into something closer to obscurity? Lucas will be chuffed by that, seems like this one glorifies the originals in a way that reinforces how brilliant they were.

Is this film gonna get actual Oscar chat for its actors? Coz fantasy/sci-fi films never, ever get that.

Will they be able to keep up the marketing milking for the entire time between now and the next film?

Is the Rogue One spinoff gonna get nearly as much love?

Are they plotting another Christmas Special?

How well is such a referential film gonna do with Star Wars newbies?

How did they make a Star Wars movie with more humour than plenty of comedies (especially in the half an hour or so spent on the Millennium Falcon)?

Ahhh, that John Williams soundtrack. Ain’t it just the best?

Can Rian Johnson take the baton without a fumble and run with it from here?

What monster twist are we expecting in the next one? If they’re repeating the formula then we need an ‘I am your father’ moment.

Might they go Godfather 2 on this one with a dual origin story as well? Lotsa blanks to be filled in (see above).

How do they expect us to wait another 17 months or so for answers?