The Oscars are Dumb (Expressionism > Capitalism)

The Oscars are Dumb

Or: Expressionism > Capitalism

by the Wildcard


Every year about this time

the Oscars come around

And we’re supposed to care about

the smiles and the gowns

From these talented but

vacuous A-List celebrities

All dressed up and glamorous

for viewers on TV

Practicing their speeches and their

falsely modest handle

In case they should acquire something

golden for the mantle

Good for them, you know, Leo

DiCaprio has earned his

But why the hell are we to care

about his latest furnish?

The Academy Awards are tools to

foster up the feeling

That movies and their actors are worth

all of our believing

And maybe that’s the truth because

we know that tales are sacred

But prob’ly not from studios all

dated, faded, jaded

They vote and choose the winners

based on money and on fame

And by playing the financed

publicity campaigning game

These films are mostly products

of their power and their privilege

And there aren’t enough pure artists

living in that swanky village

Oh sure some do and of course

there were great films there that moved

There were actors recognised that bled

and directors approved

Still eventually it comes to

the opinions of a few

Old white dudes with money

and it’s they that decide who

Gets awarded these small statues

which glitter, glimmer, shine

And extend their marketing appeal

about a hundred times

It’s an industry and those with money

want for more and more

Hence the cost of seats and popcorn

we naively pay them for

And they don’t finance minorities

or people who’re of colour

'Cause they think they can’t afford

to fund a movie for another

They have their formula that works,

all comic books and cheese

Sexy muscled white dudes

and topless female leads

Packaging our fantasies

to tell us what to dream

Marginalise the other,

playing up the same old theme

So if you prefer your movies

to take risks and to be free

Don’t judge a film by crowns

or bankrolled popularity

Judge a film instead by heart

and how it makes you feel

Judge a film by love and guts,

commitment to the real

Leave the Oscars to the insecure

who need validifying

And watch instead the films that get

you laughing, cheering, crying

Don’t just be a passenger

to what you’re told to see


Watch what you like.

Be proud of that.

And leave the Oscars be.